
marzo 1, 2018

Does Your State Have Distracted Driving Laws?

Distracted driving occurs when a person is focusing on tasks other than driving while behind the wheel. This is a very dangerous situation. Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents in many areas. That is why states are putting laws into place banning the activity. They hope to encourage people to focus on the […]
agosto 10, 2018

What Is Pay Per Mile Auto Insurance?

You may hear more about pay per mile auto insurance. It is a somewhat newer type of car insurance some insurers are offering. This is not new coverage. Rather, it is a new pricing method. In some situations, it is ideal. It can help to reduce how much money many people pay for their coverage. […]
septiembre 25, 2018

How will Driverless Cars Affect the Insurance Industry?

Year after year, cars are equipped with more and more automated features and crash avoidance technology. In fact, many of today’s high-end vehicles and increasingly, mid-priced ones, already have options, such as blind-spot monitoring, forward-collision warnings and lane-departure warnings. These are the bits and parts of tomorrow’s fully self-driving vehicles. In theory, human error causes […]
noviembre 27, 2018

Auto Insurance for Drivers Just Learning to Drive

You may know the importance of obtaining auto insurance once your new driver in your family receives his or her license. But, what about from now until then? The good news is the process of obtaining auto insurance for your new driver is not complex. There are a few key things to know before you […]
septiembre 25, 2019

How to Buy Auto Insurance for Your Teen

Car insurance is a pricey aspect of owning a car. If you’re planning on adding a teen driver to your family car insurance plan, it is possible that your rates will increase. However, if you play your cards right, you can get auto insurance for your teen at a reasonable price. Here are a few […]

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