septiembre 25, 2019

How to Buy Auto Insurance for Your Teen

Teen driverCar insurance is a pricey aspect of owning a car. If you’re planning on adding a teen driver to your family car insurance plan, it is possible that your rates will increase. However, if you play your cards right, you can get auto insurance for your teen at a reasonable price. Here are a few tips that should help you buy insurance for your teen.

Good Student Discount for Teen Drivers

The first thing you should consider is whether your teen driver qualifies for any student discounts. Insurance companies have conducted a number of studies and have found that better students tend to be better drivers. The vast majority of insurance companies offer discounts to good students that can increase your savings.

In general, as long as your teen has a B-average or above, he or she will qualify. When you go to buy car insurance for your teen, you should have their most recent report card on hand. If your teen doesn’t have a 3.0 at the time you apply for car insurance, you can apply the discount later on when their GPA increases.

Occasional Operation

Another way you can save money on auto insurance for your teen is by sharing a car with them. You can also note that your teen is in school in another state. Car insurance companies frequently give discounts for occasional operation, rather than full-time drivers.

Choosing the Right Vehicle for a Teen Driver

If your teen doesn’t want to share a car or has too busy of a schedule for sharing a car, you should be smart when selecting a vehicle for them. Look for a vehicle that is both affordable and reliable. You don’t want your teen’s vehicle to break down on a regular basis. However, at the same time, you don’t want to break the bank by purchasing a luxury vehicle for your child either.

Consider buying a used car that is between 6 and 10 years old and is still in good condition. Be sure to check out the safety features of the vehicle and consider having the vehicle inspected. See if your dealer offers certified used vehicles. Choosing the right vehicle for your teen driver can help you save money on your insurance.

There are many factors to consider when buying auto insurance for your teen. For more information about how to save money on Texas teen car insurance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Tags: auto insurance, insurance, teen drivers, texas

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