enero 9, 2019

Resolve To Follow Through This Year

Top 10 ResolutionsTo spark positive change, there is no better milestone than New Year’s resolutions. If you are among the millions that resolve to better ourselves, more than a few of these top 10 most common resolutions will look familiar to you:

  • Read more
  • Exercise more
  • Quit smoking
  • Travel more
  • Lose weight
  • Get organized
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Learn a new skill or hobby 
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Save more money / spend less money

However as the year marches forward, many of us struggle. In fact, only 46% of people who make New Year’s resolutions are successful, as per a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. That means more than half of us may fail! So let’s setup for success this year, and resolve to follow through. Here are 3 well used tools recommended by highly successful people to help you achieve your resolutions.

1. Prepare first mentally 
Think about the changes you want to implement, and SEE the change you want clearly in your mind.  A positive mental picture of yourself after the change, will set a positive mental tone.  Be sure to do the following as you prepare yourself mentally: Be positive, Stay positive! Work out baby steps and chain-link smaller changes together. Gradual changes will lead to long term results, so try not to make big or quick changes. Celebrate small achievements in small ways and be kind to yourself, by allowing some room for error. Shrug off setbacks, and focus on staying on track.

2. Set goals that motivate
Be sure your resolutions are in line with your priorities. When based on your inner-most desires, your actions will become “must do” and that attitude will create momentum.
To do this, simply be sure the goal you set is important to you and that there is a clear benefit for you when the goal is achieved. This will ensure your willingness to take action; Otherwise known as motivation!

3. Become part of the 46%
Take goal sharing to the next level; organize a mastermind group. A mastermind group is a collection of highly motivated people who share a common goal and are looking to encourage and help each other improve. Find those in your life that are motivated and likely to succeed – they can help you be part of the 46% of people who make New Year’s resolutions and are successful at achieving them.

What to do:
Find others with similar goals – they’re out there!
Set up regular Meets (the more the better)
Share progress and setbacks 
Motivate them and let them motivate you!

Millennial Hack: Achieve similar results by making social posts, on your favorite social media platforms, declaring your intentions to all your friends. You can bet friends will cheer you on and ask about your progress. Social support can go a long ways towards keeping you on track over the course of the year! 


Tags: new years resolutions

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